Microblading is a new beauty technique which is set to be extremely popular in 2017! It is a form of tattooed brows. A microblading tool is used to create tiny hair strokes to create a look which is natural to your own eyebrow shape and only takes an hour!
Karen Betts has twenty years experience in microblading she has created her own elite team who are dedicated in creating the best looking natural brows.
"My technique involves using a small handheld device, with a very sharp blade at the bottom;
which is used to draw on small hair-like strokes to the brows. These are drawn on in different
lengths and directions using my KB PRO Pigments that are designed to blend in with the client’s
natural hair colouring; giving impeccable and unbeatable results. It is incredibly important to me
and my team that the brows we create suit the facial shape, thickness and natural colouring of
the person; to make the brows look natural.
Karen was also given the Women of the year award at the Natwest every women awards. Karen really is the go to women for microblading.
Microblading isn't something I knew much about until recently and hadn't really considered. After finding out more about it I definitely would consider microblading, I have really dry skin and often find my eyebrows to loose their hair really quickly so I think this would be perfect for me!
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