Sunday, 3 May 2015

denman curling brush

The denman thermo neon curling brush is designed to retain heat within the brush when using it to dry hair in order to create styles which will hold.  This particular brush comes in three different sizes small, medium and large all of which come in different bright colours. This particular brush is the large which is perfect for me since i have extra long thick hair. 
This brush is suppose to be able to create curls which i so far haven't managed yet but when i used it to dry my hair i noticed the amount of body and volume this brush gave to my roots which i find quite hard to achieve with my hair being so heavy. I can't wait to try this out to curl my hair i'm really intrigued what the result will be.
Another plus of this brush has to the colour! i love how bright all the brushes are from the range, i can't see myself loosing it anytime soon!
You can purchase these brushes from the denman website along with the rest of denmans amazing collection of brushes!



  1. I love these round brushes. They give perfect volume and lovely curls! Although, I can never use it on my own hair (I get confused turning the brush.) It's much easier to use on other people - coming from a hairdresser. Also.. love the colour of it! xx

  2. This sounds amazing, I'll definitely have to give it a try as I'm always desperately trying to get more volume in my roots!
    Love Holly x


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